Product Description
Infrared Temperature Accessory Head; Non-Contact Temperature
Operating environment: 32?F to 120?F at <75%RH.
Output: 1mVDC/1°F, 1mVDC/1°C selectable.
Field of view: 8:1
Laser output: <1mW(670nm typ.)
Auto-off to save battery life.
Auto-off disable for use with data logger.
Accuracy (at 73°F, √å√á√•¬±10°F <90%RH):
32°F to 160°F: √å√á√•¬±2%rdg or 4°F, whichever is greater.
0°F to 32°F, 161°F to 752°F: √å√á√•¬±3%rdg or 5.5°F, whichever is greater.